21.2.2023. 7pm IST 
The Silent cries of Our poor Goan women who are homeless or who are poor & suffering from mental disabilities are increasing by the day and my ears are getting filled with requests for rehabilitation and a place to be cared for .
✝️✝️ Tomorrow we enter 40 days of LENT ✝️✝️
And during these 40 days of LENT , our NGO has resolved to take into our ladies Homes 40 ladies ( & men into the men's home  ) who are silently crying due to being abandoned, harrassed, starved , ill treated or who because of mental disabilities are unwanted by their loved ones .
You too can take a LENT resolution in the following ways:
◇ 1. Identifying such poor deserving womem who are silently crying due to genuine reasons.
◇ 2..Verifying the facts of these silent cries of such goan woman or homeless street woman.
◇ 3. Following up with their admission through proper channels and necessary paperwork 
We have finished all the celebrations like :
☆ Christmas 
☆ New Year 
☆ Purple Fest 
☆ Valentines day 
☆ Carnival 
& many other festivals of all religions. 
What about the Silent cries of the last and neglected goan woman suffering from mental disabilities or physical disabilities and no one to go for help and just being abandoned on the streets.
There are many such Silent cries from poor Goan woman but we fail to hear them compounded with the facts that there are no FREE SHELTER Homes for women with disabilities around in Goa .
We are currently taking care of 46+ women with severe mental disabilities of which 80% are goan in our 4 shelter Homes for ladies in Goa.
We can take in another 40 more ladies who are silently crying and No one is interested to hear .
We might require atleast 2 more homes to meet the demand. 
But funding is a big  issue and in the last two months we have actually gone slow on taking In women into our shelter homes , infact we admitted only 1 lady in the last two months. 
Now I can't refuse admission as every day requests are coming. 
My conscience is troubling me but at the same time funding is taking a hit .
During this LENTEN season you can attempt to help us as we attempt to take in 40 homeless ladies or poor goan ladies suffering from mental disabilities and who are crying silently. 
We have hired additional manpower and women work force to our shelter home program and if needed be we will be taking in more work force.
But we require your support to pay the bills. 
We all need to come togther to help these poor women who are silently crying due to genuine reasons especially those suffering from mental disabilities and coming from extremely poor families being either WIDOWS or DIVORCED .
Let's make this LENTEN season a reason to bring a smile on that poor goan lady face or the homeless woman on the streets who has been silently crying due to poverty, sickness especially mental disabilities, loneliness, discrimination, abandoned due to not being able to bear a child , old aged,  etc. 
We can togther turn THEIR CRIES into SMILES .
Your donations qualify for income tax exemption under section 80G of the I.TAX act .
God bless you so much 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848