27.9.2022  7pm IST 
Today I post my  amazing experience with an IAS Officer who through a simple request made by him to the necessary authorities empowered the underprivileged  for life.
This IAS officer is none other than the former health secretary of Goa , Mr Y.V.V.J. RAJASEKHAR, who has now been transferred. 
After a person is rescued from the streets , they are admitted into a Government Hospital if needed  before entering the Shelter Home. 
Most often, due to their poor health conditions they need to be readmitted  periodically until they achieve optimum health.
But readmission poses a problem as the hospital insisted that an attendant be kept with every resident readmitted 
Street Providence has approximately 150 residents and on any given day 5 to 6 residents are admitted in the 4 Government Hospitals across Goa. 
Is it possible for us to provide all the 6 sick residents with attendants 24×7? 
We tried explaining this to the hospital authorities, to no avail. The policy of “No attendant, no admission ” posed a big problem for us.
Since the past 4 years I personally have been trying to explain this to many many important people who just refused to understand this issue. 
One doctor once even told me ” let the homeless rot in the hospital but your request will not be accepted and will not be entertained “. 
Unfortunate and sad…..but I did not give up.
I met Mr Y.V.V.J. RAJASEKHAR one day. He  listened to my difficulty, understand the detrimental effect this would have on the health of the homeless and instructed   two Directors from Two departments to implement orders . 
Through Mr. Y.V.V.J. RAJASEKHAR's request , the former Director of Directorate of Health Services , Dr Ira  issued an order benefitting our NGO ,  & the homeless abandoned in government hospitals. 
Mr Rajasekhar's kind deed impacted  the lives of many many abandoned and sick homeless street people who now could avail of treatment in all government hospitals in Goa.
Many people often ask me how do we manage daily to get off so many sick and homeless people of the streets and from various hospitals? 
Well the answer is……we do so due to the concerted efforts of empathic Officers like Mr Rajasekhar.
It is a herculean task  for a small NGO to accept 12 to 15 homeless people from hospitals month after month and this is now possible because of  the support  from the Health Department. 
Today alot of government hospitals call us and request us to rehabilitate those persons abandoned in hospitals which we do  willingly. 
When we need to re-admitt them , these homeless are taken in without an attendant. Once treated,  we re-admitt into our shelter home. 
Today we @ Street Providence are happy to provide care and rehabilitation to many homeless street people and migrants abandoned in hospitals who on discharge have nowhere to go and would just not make it if there is no rehabilitation Home for their recovery. 
Usually IAS officers are available to Ministers , MLAs , politicians & Head of Departments / Directors .
If  IAS officers  listen and resolve   requests from genuine NGOs who are working for the interest of the poor in the state as in this case , the homeless once discharged can find their way into our rehabilitation Homes, thereby freeing  the hospital beds for others who are in real need of medical attention. 
Kudos to Mr Y.V.V.J. RAJASEKHAR. 
Tomorrow we are accepting 4 such homeless street men from district hospital and  its not a big deal to us as we are reassured that incase we can't manage them,  the district hospital will support us in providing medical  care
Looking forward to meeting the New Health Secretary shortly to help  solve orher issues concerning the homeless and the hungry in Goa .
Let's all say a small prayer in thanksgiving for good health and long life to Mr Mr Y.V.V.J. RAJASEKHAR in his new assignment. 
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848