3.6.2022. 5pm IST 
FOOD BANK SANGOLDA GOA congratulates Goa's newly appointed Cardinal , His Emminence Rev. Filipe Neri Ferrao , Archbishop of Goa  and Daman. 
This post is about the unconditional support shown by His Emminence  in early 2018 when the Food Bank had just started. 
Attached is a  video of  His Emminence  serving food to the homeless on the streets of Goa on a winter night way back on 7.3.2018. 👇
“Caring and concerned about the hungry & homeless “. is how I describe His Emminence! 
Usually when  a lay person ( like me ) starts projects like our NGO runs , it is a foregone conclusion  that the person is either a  believer or a protestant. 
And in my case, this thought was reinforced due to my close association with my mentor Bro Johnson Sequeira. 
If I am still serving the poor and homeless in Goa through our NGO , Street Providence,  its due to the teaching I learnt from Bro Johnson during my difficult time from 2012 to 2014 , and if not for his teaching and understanding of the WORD I would be just another passerby in this World. 
In Dec 2017 , I met His Emminence  for the very first  time . 
Later I was invited over to his office and  His Emminence Rev. Filipe Neri Ferrao , Archbishop of Goa  and Daman was kind enough to give me 3 hours of his time where I went about explaining the projects I had in mind . 
That meeting opened a  flood gate of opportunities and the Food Bank Program is still running as a success. 
His Emminence permitted the installation of  a  Food Bank fridge at his official residence and it is operational  till date . 
Upto March 2020 , His Emminence was always available to listen and advise me on any idea/ project I had in mind  and would always answer my phone call . 
During the last two years of Covid, I did not  get an  opportunity to meet  His Excellency. 
Also by this time  our NGO was steady on its feet and  working just perfectly towards the mission and there was no need to trouble His Emminence. 
The  concern towards the poor , the hungry and homeless is very inspirational to me  and these three examples  speak for themselves. 
1. In early 2018 , His Emminence visited our food program at  the Guirim Chruch and distributed food to the poor, as  we were providing food every night during those early years for over 18 months. 
2. His Emminence drove his own car at night and came to the streets of Mapusa and personally handed over food packets to the homeless. 
3. In  2018 ,  His Emminence  permitted us  to use the residential area of the Batim Church to  start a  Free Shelter Home for the homeless. 
STREET PROVIDENCE  used this premises  for close to 18 months. 
All of the above,  and  many more experiences, gives me the confidence to boldly say that His Emminence is truly concerned about the hungry , the poor  and the  homeless in Goa . 
There is something very interesting that I have to write about . 
A gentleman who has inspired me alot to work for the poor & homeless , one day requested me for a meeting between His Emminence & him to break the ice . 
I requested His Emminence. 
And the  instant reply was  ” Please bring him over and we can sit and have a cup of tea , anything else to discuss will have to go through the proper channels “. 
Unfortunately the invitation extended didn't materialize due to the pandemic. 
We  pray that His Emminence is bestowed with  the best of health and wisdom to carry on with  his duties as a Cardinal. 
Lastly I hope that His Emminence still keeps that invitation open to having a cup  of tea with this friend of mine who has inspired me to do what I have been doing last 5 years. 
Goa is blessed to have such a simple yet spiritual Cardinal in His Emminence Rev. Filipe Neri Ferrao , Archbishop of Goa  and Daman. 
Last but the Truth , His Emminence Rev. Filipe Neri Ferrao , Archbishop of Goa  and Daman always stops by and visits any sick Priest in Goa whenever he is in that vicinity for any program and especially when he knows that the priest is going through some form of sickness and suffering . 
This is one sign of a good Shepherd who keeps his concern about his flock. 
Let's Pray for His Emminence Rev. Filipe Neri Ferrao , Archbishop of Goa  and Daman for good health , peace of mind and long life . 
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848