18.7.2021 5pm IST
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST GOA thanks Rotary Club of Mapuca , for providing free cataract operations to our homeless people in our homes. 
Infact Rotary Club of Mapuca has been providing free cataract operations to the people from our rehabilitation homes for close to 3 years. 
☆ 1. Mario Vaz a goan man was admitted close to 3 years ago and he is amputated in 1 leg and with very less vision in both eyes due to retina issues 
Two years back we operated his one eye as there was a retina issue. 
Yesterday , Mario Vaz got his other eye 1st operated for cataract which was taken care by Rotary Club of Mapuca and immediately that same eye was operated for the retina .
This retina operation costed Rs 40000 which was taken by a goan benefactor and we are grateful for the same.
☆ 2. Vilasini is a goan elderly lady having no family. 
We got her a cataract eye operation as she could not see in that eye. 
She stays in one of our women homes and is quite aged. 
We as an NGO don't pick people from the streets but we look after them medically and physically attending to all their needs irrespective of the sickness. 
It's at times very difficult especially like Mario Vaz , who was nearly blind in both eyes and amputated in 1 leg. 
Some one has to look after these homeless people and we cheerfully most of the times rise up and accept such people. 
If you believe the word COMPASSION & that you too would like to play your part as a volunteer , partner , supporter, collaborator , benefactor then you can get in touch with us through a whatsapp message only on 8380097564.
We require your support and help to reach out to those who want to start life afresh.
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO.
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy .
Twitter : @streetproviden1
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564.
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848