12.3.2021 6pm IST
Living outside a hospital mortuary, lonely , sick, unable to walk or stand , served daily breakfast through our MOW, begging outside the hospital at times, desperate to get help into rehabilitation home. 
All this was till 30.9.2020. 👇
Watch the videos on that day in the above link 🖕
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST GOA during the peak of Covid pandemic, rescued Mr Abhijeet all due to the concern and the humanity shown by Miss Jennifer ftom Moira.
Miss Jennifer relative had expired and she had preserved the dead body into the mortuary at this district hospital. 
She observed this goan man , average weight 25 kgs , in a very sad state and called me .
We agreed inspite of COVID to get him into our home. 
Mr Abhi was very very weak .
The attached video explains it all.
The young lad at 40 years needed a hand and we were determined to walk that extra troublesome mile with him. 
He was going through various disappointments in life and took to alcohol to fight his troubles. 
So much alcohol that , he had Unstable knee joints due to alcoholic myopathy and neuropathy
And then there was Weakness due to alcohol induced damage to muscle and nerves.
It took him 3 months just to be able to balance himself on his feet .
His food pipe had shrunk and he could not take in much food. 
But dealing with so many cases , we knew its just a matter of weeks before he started putting on weight. 
Which he did. 
Thanks to our DOCTOR who joined as a volunteer in late Dec 2020, Mr Abhi is back to the road of recovery quickly. 
Our Doctor being an Ortho cum Physiatrist quickly understood the need and got him a Knee support system with spring and hinges.
Doctor would travel after work quite often to see and take care of Abhi as the dr felt it was his duty to get ABHI to walk .
We also made numerous trips to the neurology dept GMC for various tests and reports .
Numerous expensive medication , injections, ointments etc was given to him.
The muscle and the nerve has been severely damaged which makes him have a staggered walk. 
Even to get up from the chair he has issues.
That's where the knee support system comes in and gives him that extra support to get off the chair and walk easily to a great extent .
Jennifer could have walked away and Abhi would be still crawling around or even maimed for life .
Who knows. 
But no, Jennifer showed humanity and we provided the relief , care and rehabilitation. 
Doctor provided the final touch and counseling. 
Today Abhi is an important part of our rehabilitation program. 
He is educated and can read and write perfect English.
As part of his rehabilitation plan , Abhi is incharge of 30 sick men both physically & mentally to administer them their daily medicines, 3 times a day. 
No heavy work as yet .
Today Abhi must be about 50 kgs in weight .
Cool dude with an intention to learn and go forward. 
Understands where he was and where he now is. 
Abhi is blessed to have got off the streets during COVID and being able to fight his sickness and his suffering .
We are highly favored to have him in our home .
Little did we realise that 6 months back this man who could barely walk , would be such a blessing to us un our home taking responsibility of the most important aspects regarding rehabilation of homeless street men .
Support us as we go around Goa picking and rehabilitating numerous homeless people daily. 
Donate generously to our NGO.
Donations only through cheques/ NEFT .
We offer you 50% Income tax exemption under Section 80G.
We operate strictly only through WhatsApp messages on 8380097564.
No calling please 
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God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848