Introducing Mr SAPNESH SALGAONKAR our old faithful.

15th April, 2020 

Food Bank For The Poor , SANGOLDA, Goa , presents you a young Goan Man , Mr SAPNESH SALGAONKAR from Khorlim , Mapusa , looking to save his job and feed his parents, wife and 2 very small kids .

SAPNESH is a sales person and sells
Lite butter ,
Frozen Whipping cream non dairy ,
Cooking cream non dairy,
Chocolate Slab,
Chocolate cake premix.

His stocks reached GOA on Saturday and Monday was the lockdown last month .

Sapnesh has been with me right from 2014, when every afternoon he would be serving food at Mapusa bus stop to poor hungry men during his lunch break .

This was much before we started the food bank or street Providence Trust.

SAPNESH is the only 1 person who has consistently and sincerely worked in feeding the poor , picking the homeless street people up & taking then month after month to hospitals without demanding or asking for a salary.

Sapnesh is a tough man , both in his body and in his words and hands .

Always, he has and is , correcting me whenever i go wrong and ready to go that extra mile in helping any homeless person irrespective of the time .

Never will he talk behind my back or try to make trouble for me by instigating others but will always be the 1st to sort out misunderstanding as we have so many boys in the home with different thinking, different mind frame , etc.

Lots of people who joined me after SAPNESH tried to create a rift between SAPNESH and me but some how I had faith in SAPNESH and he never got enticed in that game.

Today, sad to say all those who tried to disturb SAPNESH working with me , have all disappeared inspite of being paid fantastic salaries which SAPNESH never felt bad about .

Today Sapnesh is my competitor in our professional careers as he works for a company which sells RICH LITE BUTTER where I work for a company which sells VIMAL LITE BUTTER .

But still our compassion for the poor , hungry , homeless street people is what binds us together.

Sapnesh has his own customers and I have my own customers for our sales .

We maintain a total professional approach in our careers and never do we doubt that either of us will cut into the other customer base .

Today SAPNESH asks you to support him in the products he sells and he Is ready to deliver to your homes, restaurants, bakeries etc , else it will get spoilt and the loss will be to much to bear as he had ordered the goods.

SAPNESH can be contacted on 9823795699 0r 8380077564.

Incase you are doing home baking then these are a few raw material you can purchase and try various dishes at home.

You can call 9823795699 Sapnesh for all your queries and he will answer and deliver you .

I am blessed,
1. that I liquidated all VIMAL stocks before the lockdown started.
2. My company Vimal Dairy paid my entire March Salary on 31.3.2020
3. Yesterday my company paid my bonus .
4. My company , Vimal Dairy , without doubt will pay my salary till the lockdown is on .

Remember serving the poor is good , but we need to take care financially of our families 1st especially when we have aged parents and young children .

In my last 7 years of AGAPE , not social service, I have seen , people closing down their business , leaving their jobs, abandoning their families and helping the poor and needy.

Its absolutely wrong.

Our families are 1st and then everything else.

I am glad I held my job otherwise it would have been very difficult to feed my 3 kids and wife.

Plesee support SAPNESH through this post .

God bless you
Donald Fernandes
8380097564 / 7020314848