12.5.24. 8Pm IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE, MANIPUR, thanks Social Welfare Department, Government of Manipur for renewing our shelter home license for persons with disabilities for a period of 5 years.
( License copy attached )
It shows the commitment from The Government to those with disabilities as we might be the only NGO who has volunteered to work for those with disabilities in Manipur during these difficult times by opening shelter homes.
♡♡♡ Big thanks to Mr W Birahari Singh , Disability Commissioner Manipur who I had an opportunity to meet in Goa in early January 24 & Mr N Uttam Singh , Director of Social Welfare,  who i had met in Manipur during the innaugration of our shelter home in Dec 23 , for all the support & encouragement 
We had a temporary 6 months license for our shelter home at Imphal which expired in mid March 24 and we applied for a permanent license well before the expiry
Manipur  too has CODE of CONDUCT due to the Lok sabha elections but believe me without much hassle The Department of Social Welfare, Manipur,  inspected our renovated & upgraded shelter home and was very satisfied with our infrastructure and hence we were issued this permanent license.
Officials in Goa Government @ Social Welfare Department Goa, should take a leaf out of this and also issue our license which had expired after 3 years of being issued.
We have applied for renewal way back in March 24 same time as we applied for Manipur state but only answer I get CODE OF CONDUCT.
Mental disabilities in Manipur will be on the rise due to anxiety and stress and we @ Street Providence are working to reach out to as many as we can not only through the shelter home but also by providing dry ration, assertive aids as well as medication.
From sending 4 trucks loads of relief from Goa to
Purchasing generic medicines from Delhi to purchasing dry ration in different districts of Manipur to funding fees of poor children to the shelter home, we stand with the poor and those in need, both in the valley & in the hills.
Infact our 1st shelter home is right in the heart of Imphal city.
Right from October 23  to March 24 , to both communities, we provided every month kits of dry ration to 500 families in different districts purchased locally all due to a generous company which footed this entire bill over a period of time.
One heart wrenching incident was : Our team was informed that in one particular district one entire village was cut off & their ration was only for a day or two.
Nothing was available and most of the aid workers had stopped help as everyone had exhausted their resources and the trouble was again gaining momentum.
For that month we rushed dry ration to more than 600 families who were very very thankful for the support. 
For this village it was like a miracle.
For us it was an opportunity to help at the right time.
Life is getting difficult for the poor in conflict times and we at Street Providence are working on the ground in Manipur by taking support of the local administration.
Criticism does not bring any relief to the poorest of the poor so we never ever get into finding fault or blaming the authorities but we work quickly, quietly & effectively with our local partners but by keeping the local authorities in the loop.
We feel proud to be recognized by The Government of Manipur as the distance between Goa & Manipur is 4000 kms +.
I am sure the meeting I had in Jan 24 with The Disability Commissioner of Manipur who was in Goa,  was at the right time,  where we put forward our desire to work in Manipur inspite of all the troubles and uncertainty. 
Most of the times as an NGO,  WE PREFER TO WORK IN COMFORT ZONES as no one wants to go to troubled areas, besides PHOTO OPS.
We walk the talk and we deliver on working PAN INDIA for those suffering from mental disabilities
Please no negative comments as we are not connected to any political party but we are committed to ending Hunger and homelessness.
All communications strictly through whatsapp messages only on 8380097564
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564/ 7020314848