30.11.2023. 7pm IST 
To many homeless and sick poor people in Goa on streets & in Government hospitals, asking for help & care.
And the requests are daily from all sides : 
☆ both for men & ladies and 
From Goa police & Government hospitals.
This young Goan man Rupesh yesterday admitted into our shelter home from District hospital mapusa .
Only 40 years old with no living family except one married sister whose where abouts are not known. 
Met with a serious accident and was for months and months has been in various Government hospitals in Goa.
Both his one hand and one leg is totally damaged and it will take about 1 year for him to be able to support himself alone.
Physiotherapy will be one part for his recovery in our home.
The MS of District Hospital Mapusa , 
Dr ( Mrs ) Dhume is one of a gem of a woman from the time she has been appointed as MS.
Takes personal interest in such homeless cases and see that they reach our home for rehabilitation. 
Rupesh has his right leg broken and complicated issues which no one will want to touch and care for plus his hand has some major issue.
But we at Street Providence take in such pathetic , complicated and heart wrecking cases purely on case to case basis after much scrutiny and cross checking if actually Goan , poor , homeless and having no one.
We are on the verge of stopping to take in GOA non Goans as we have set homes in other states where these homeless can be sent by the Goa Police or any government authority and we will rehabilitate and care for them free of cost.
We are being very very selective as the no of non goans drinking and falling on the streets in all cities is beyond imagination. 
Even the Government hospitals are overworked as they get admitted , treated,  discharged,  but don't go back to their village, live and drink on the streets and again get admitted.
This is a big strain on the infrastructure of our state.
Practically in all our 4 men's homes in Goa we are over loaded having many such inmates who are either bed ridden , wheel chair bound and on pampers .
We are in need of atleast 2 more men's homes in Goa incase we are to take in more homeless men
Our focus is totally on goan people suffering from mental disabilities & neurological issues : either on the streets and who we can help to get off the streets or 
from families so that they don't reach the streets as at times families just can manage .
Margao city has the most no of homeless and sick but no shelter home and its getting bad to worse.
Panjim & Vasco too are having quite a no of homeless on the streets.
It's High time all cities in Goa have some sort of dwelling atleast at Night to reduce or bring some relief to those who shelter the most .
We are trying to help as many as we can but it's very very difficult , complicated , expensive and last the non goans just take advantage of the facilities and once alright go back to the same situation. 
In panjim city more than 10 non goans are on the streets in pathetic situation, who have stayed 
with us before , got completely alright, assured to go back home , some we even bought tickets but just reached back to where they were picked up.
Just like you might be disappointed so also I too at times at disappointed but rehabilitation of the homeless street people is not an easy task both financially as well as physically.
All communications strictly through whatsapp messages only on 8380097564
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848