29.11.2023. 7pm IST
All Street Providence MANIPUR Wants for Christmas is ” 30 beds ” for our upcoming 1st shelter Home for men.
Donate a bed and we will print your name on the bed as a benefactor/ donnor.
Our 1st Shelter home for the homeless men is being innaugrated very soon.
Work in upgrading this big floor is going on in full swing last 30 days and will be ready just in time for the innaugration which is very soon.
It's a big floor which can rehabilitate 30 men and we require 30 bed with rexin mattresses & rexin pillows which can only be bought in Guwahati and transported to Imphal.
Winter is already started and with the troubles that has been going on, we understand that there will be demand for rehabilitation especially for the old and those with mental & physical disabilities. 
And this is the 1st such home for men right in Imphal city.
Our 2nd home will be for ladies suffering from mental & physical disabilities in Churachandpur but in due course of time.
Conflict is something which always effects the poor, the old and those with disabilities the most.
We stand with this section of society in Manipur by starting shelter homes in association with The Archdiocese of Imphal. 
But we can't do it alone. We require your support.
Do you too wish to stand with these displaced poor people ?
Advent is just few hours away as you read this post and winter is almost there .
Christmas is all about sharing and giving to the poorest of the poor.
Frankly speaking, our NGO is quite comfortable in our comfort zone in Goa as we are quite set doing so many projects.
But then as a Roman Catholic, how do I reach out to the poorest of the poor if I don't go beyond my comfort zone ?
This is an appeal that you too can reach Manipur by getting out of your comfort zone during ADVENT and supporting our 1st shelter home as we require 30 beds , and assistive aids .
In our 4th truck we had sent 9 BRAND NEW WHEEL CHAIRS to CHURACHANDPUR which were given to our homes in Goa but we understood that our homes can use the old wheel chairs and so we sent BRAND NEW WHEEL CHAIRS to CHURACHANDPUR. 
We are aware of the difficulties poor people are facing in relief camps especially those with disabilities and season of Advent is that once in a year opportunity to live that spirit of CHRISTMAS.
Your support plays a huge difference in the lives of 30 men who will be cared for in a safe and comfortable environment in our shelter home and a new bed which you have donated as you care & understand the suffering of the poorest of the poor.
All queries through whatsapp messages only on 8380097564 
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848