28.10.2023. 7Pm IST 
Three months back , came on a wheelchair to our home , today walks perfectly by himself.
Wilson, suffered a stroke , was jobless , penniless , needed a full time care taker, was in depression,  stress and demotivated.
About 3 months ago , called me, begged & pleaded for help & we admitted into our home.
Today walking without  help. 
Our Stroke recovery centre @ Street Providence, cares & rehabilitates poor homeless people who suffer strokes and are helpless.
Our Young Physiotherapist Miss ( Dr ) Charmaine from Porvorim, has been putting in alot of effort 8 hours a day, 6 days a week, last one year, treating more than 40 + such wheel bound and bed ridden as well as stroke effected men & women to get back on their feet from our 6  homes in North Goa District.
Wilson George is one of them.
The above link was exactly uploaded 3 months back when we admitted him.☝️
Today you can hear and see all 3 small videos of his sickness as well as his recovery.
The treatment is FREE OF COST.
We managed to stabilize his body as well as his mind in a clean green surrounding with the most FRESHEST AIR in Goa ( @ St Michael Chapel Assonora ).
Stroke patients usually are difficult to handle as they need to be bathed , fed , helped to use the washroom , and all other daily chores.
Besides due to the stroke they suffer, they get into depression and loose motivation in life.
But @ Street Providence STROKE RECOVERY CENTRE ,  it's just the opposite as we have mastered the ART of getting people out of depression and helping them recover from mental disabilities. 
Each and every bed ridden , wheel chair bound or stroke affected person is given a personal and a caring touch by the entire team and till date our success rate is 100%
We are ALWAYS sure that every admission is CURED , HEALED & DELIVERED from all the suffering they are going through irrespective of their past & irrespective of their medical condition at the time of their admission.
Today we have more than 75+ such people who are either bed ridden, wheel chair bound, stroke affected, incapicated , crippled and physically disabled in our 9 homes, who are also suffering from mental disabilities & other sickness, also on diapers.
Challenging , difficult, complicated, expensive but yet POSSIBLE. 
And we provide all services FREE OF COST to the poorest of the poor and the homeless.
The most interesting part in Wilson rehabilitation & recovery is I AM YET TO MEET HIM. 
Both of us have not yet met each other.
It's all about team work and not me as an individual making videos and uploading myself like you see now a days.
All communications strictly through whatsapp messages only on 8380097564.
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848