STREET PROVIDENCE GOA is determined to save the life of this orphan boy named Mr. Moses, against all odds, as he battles with his Colostomy issue, for which he had an operation in May 2023.
Something seems to be trying to defeat his purpose to survive, but fortunately, he contacted me, and I have tapped into my FAITH to ensure that he survives and fights this issue that has taken over his mind.
The sequence of events leading to his survival against all odds is truly a testimony of its own:
》1. Due to excess drinking, he had to undergo an operation where a part of his intestine was removed, and he now has a colostomy bag. He was in the district hospital when he noticed my contact number, which was put up on a board for those who required free shelter around 15 days ago.
》2. He reached out to me, and despite knowing that it's a very complicated case and we are already overloaded with too many sick people in our homes, I committed to helping him. I can't explain why I agreed, but I did.
》3. Exactly 7 days ago on 11th July, he was discharged from the hospital and went to the local police station to get an NOC stating that he is homeless and requires shelter.
The PSI initially refused to entertain him and even ignored my requests when I called. I had to request the DYSP and a fellow PSI to intervene on his behalf. Finally, after some struggle, he got the required paperwork, and we accepted him into our home. However, even then, I was unsure why we were helping him, given the seemingly hopeless situation.
》4. On 14th July, he complained of pains and uneasiness in several places, including his groin, and we admitted him back to the district hospital without an attendant as we couldn't afford one and didn't feel the need for it at the time.
》5. On the same day, 14th July, he was transferred to GMC (Goa Medical College), and there are two versions of what happened next: either he self-discharged and left GMC, or he was ignored and asked to leave.
》6. On 15th July, he fainted and collapsed, and we received another call from him. For some reason, I instructed my team to follow up with him again.
》7. It became clear to me that he wouldn't receive the care he needed, so I decided to shift him to a private hospital, though I can't fully explain why.
》8. On Sunday, 16th July, I approached a private hospital administration to get him admitted, even though it was a Sunday, and the hospital didn't seem very interested initially due to the lack of big doctors available. Still, they agreed after a 30-minute discussion.
》9. We successfully got him admitted to the private hospital in North Goa, but the on-duty doctor initially refused to admit him, citing that he should be taken to GMC. However, our manager, Sapnesh, convinced the doctor after an hour, and he was eventually admitted and put on drips with an attendant. I can't explain why they agreed to admit him finally.
》10. Throughout the night, I prayed for his recovery, even though I'm not usually an emotional person when it comes to homeless individuals, regardless of their medical condition.
》11. On the following day, 17th July, the big doctor conducted all necessary tests and said he had to be discharged as he needed to be admitted to GMC. I was upset as I believed it wouldn't be beneficial for him since he wasn't stable yet. But again, I couldn't understand why they couldn't stabilize and treat him there itself.
》12. On the morning of 18th July, his hemoglobin dropped, and he received a pint of blood along with two expensive injections. Despite my uncertainty, I authorized the treatment.
》13. Tonight, 18th July, he is doing much better with an attendant to look after him, and another pint of blood is scheduled to be given to him tomorrow.
》14. I know that the medical bills will be high, but I'm confident that this private hospital can stabilize him, as they did with a similar colostomy case a few years ago.
As for the many questions and uncertainties that arose during this process, I have the following answers:
☆ 1. We are called to handle such complicated, difficult, and heart-wrenching cases as no one else would want to get involved in helping these people for free.
☆ 2. God has a plan to use our NGO to save this homeless man, despite his past bad company and habits.
☆ 3. Since God can't directly help him, God uses people to get the job done, and we need to follow the message from God.
In the last few days, Moses' health issues have been distressing me, as handling such a complicated case with so many issues is not easy. However, I cannot afford to let him die without attempting to give him the best facility to get his life back.
Today, we at Street Providence sleep well, knowing that Moses' health will be restored with the Grace of God and through the hospital that is treating him.
Although it will take time to get him back to normal, my FAITH tells me that “He is healed and set free,” and soon he will undergo his second operation to address his Colostomy issues.
I request you to say a little prayer thanking God “that Moses is healed” once you read this message. Please don't ask God to heal him.
We DARE TO DREAM regardless of the situations, the many questions, the WHY at every stage, and the mounting medical bills that need to be paid.
God bless you all,
Donald Fernandes
Contact: 8380097564 / 7020314848