19.12.2020  7am IST
GOA welcomes the President of India to our state on the occasion of our Liberation day .
FOOD BANK FOR THE POOR SANGOLDA GOA on this Liberation Day is attempting to feed 5000 meals to the poorest of the poor .
I am clarifying that since :
☆ 1.  It's The President of India visit to                Goa.
☆ 2.  Its Goa Liberation Day 
☆ 3.  Christmas is around the corner 
☆ 4.  It's a public holiday 
This project of feeding is undertaken. 
Nothing more to be read into .
No negative comments or ideas .
All 5000 meals are taken from NAVTARA with a bill and YOU my BENEFACTORS have paid for all these meals. 
For those benefactors who believe me and our NGO and read our messages and have donated in the past & who donate currently ,  it's a big thank you .
Your seed has not gone in vain.
And for those who read and see the messages on social media , yet dont believe and only find fault and spoil my name , my advice ” keep sucking your thumb”.
To all the VOLUNTEERS , other NGOS, archdiocese organizations,  Government officials , etc   Words are not enough to SAY THANK YOU.
Keeping faith in God today that the 5000 meals are delivered and enjoyed by the poorest of the poor.
TO the entire team of NAVTARA right across Goa , YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST FOR ACCEPTING OUR ORDER ,
Its 5000 meals, 
on a Saturday  
Christmas week, 
Regular customers in all navtara today 
Yet NAVTARA has supported this cause of feeding 5000 meals today. 
I am sure with the Grace of God,  we will feed 5000 meals between 11am to 2 pm
Will be going live on FACE BOOK from Panjim Navtara today at 10.30 am.
God bless you so much 
Donald Fernandes 