11.7.24. 9pm IST
Once on a wheelchair, today Walking & climbing steps with ease.
It's all about willingly to be challenged even when the situation tells you it's impossible.
At Street Providence impossible is just another word in the dictionary once we made up our mind to make it possible.
TB in the Spine was the diagnosis of this elderly homeless man Mr Vishwajeet when we admitted him into our shelter home from DISTRICT HOSPITAL MAPUSA about 2 years back.
When one has TB in the spine the following are the symptoms : 
》local pain, 
》local tenderness, 
》stiffness and spasm of the muscles, 
》a cold abscess, 
》gibbus and a prominent spinal deformity.
With two superb Physiotherapists on board ie 
Dr Ashton & Dr Chairmaine , the repair or rather treatment of this homeless elderly man 
Mr Vishwajeet was taken up systematically & with monitoring of all his parameters.
At Street Providence it's always about challenges as that is what makes life interesting.
If Vishwajeet was not put on physiotherapy, he would have been bedridden , on a pamper, excess weight, extra care giver to bath him & clean him.
Today through our 140 cctv cameras in all our 11 homes, everything is monitored and everyone has to deliver. NO EXCUSES .
It's not easy dealing with bed ridden patients especially when they are suffering from TB.
We have quite a good no of TB patients in our NGO & its challenging to care for them.
Initially Vishwajeet was difficult to handle as he was convinced that he will never ever walk.
Added to that he was on atleast 12 + tablets which was adding to other issues.
In the last 7 years we have assisted huge no of wheel chair/ bed bound/ stroke affected men & women to get back to their feet so that they can use the washroom by themselves & Have a bath by themselves.
Vishwajeet speaks very less and one has to strain one's ears to understand what exactly he is conveying. 
We feel happy & satisfied that the entire team right from our manager , house incharge , caregivers , Physiotherapist, fellow inmates all played their part in making Vishwajeet believe he can & will walk again. 
Till today we don't know anything about Vishwajeet and it makes no difference to us as he is happy just enjoying his old age by being able to walk by himself.
We have an exclusive set up for such men & ladies who are suffering from such complicated sickness and this home caters to such people who are not from the streets. 
With more than Rs 20 lacs worth of physiotherapy equipment at hand we are ready always to accept all difficult & complicated patients who are bedridden and need inhouse treatment. 
All communications strictly through whatsapp messages only on 8380097564
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848