4.1.22. 9pm IST 
This Goan man had Once given up hope with no one to even ask “can I help you ” to now ” helping and caring for 160+” homeless people, is HOW this young goan man has accepted a challenge and is giving back to Society. 
The video will tell you all . 👇
That day his weight was 35 kgs 
Today he is around 65 kgs . 
Being lost , hungry , sick, unable to move, forgotten by so called friends, nothing to cling on to , not sure how to spend the day and what holds at night is a nightmare that most people who are genuinely turned homeless or who due to mistakes in life become homeless face . 
It's been a SERVICE that our NGO has been providing last 5 years to hundreds of such pathetic cases as you will see In the video. 
These are cases that no :
☆ Old aged Homes 
☆ Provedoria homes 
☆ Any other homes 
Will ever take. 
That's what we do ” we take in the most pathetic & difficult cases ” & work on them to bring out the best that they can give to society . 
Our NGO does not discriminate like :
☆ Goan or non Goan 
☆ Catholic or Hindu 
☆ Normal or person with didabilites 
☆ Rich or poor 
☆ Bed ridden or walking . 
We take in anyone and everyone who we can help and who is fit to be admitted in a shelter Home PROVIDED WE HAVE SPACE & the paperwork both by the Police, & the medical examination fits the requirements. 
Abhijit lost his way and way back on 30.9.20 we took him in to our home. 
Alcohol and malnutrition coupled with loneliness and many other issues got him to the state he was in . 
Educated but needs a mentor to guide him & some one to rap him on his knuckles when he goes off track . 
Dr's and treatment got him back on his feet and he regained his health but that made him get extra smart so much so in Jan 22 he decided to leave our Home which i willingly agreed to on the condition that even if he wants to come back the doors are shut as I knew he was not ready to face the world so soon . 
Exactly within 2 months he was on the verge of collapse and wanted to come back which I point blank refused. 
So he got to the manager Mr Sapnesh Salgaonkar and assured that he won't make the mistake again which both of them mutually agreed. 
Today Abhijit is a blessing to our NGO . 
He is a SORT OF A COMPOUNDER incharge of the monthly medication of 120+ psychiatric people in our homes. 
He handles this job perfectly well and knows individual medication of every patient at the tip of the finger . 
He had risen to the rank of a Supervisor and gets paid for his effort. 
Abhijit is incharge of all the incoming and outgoing food at the food bank and now he has a small team under him which he guides and monitors. 
I still can't  imagine if on that night of 30.9.20,  peak of the 1st covid wave, had I refused to open our doors to Abhijit, where and what would be his life today? 
Practically all our homes are always full but we still try to accommodate. 
Today the homeless have increased in all cities across Goa and no one in the Government has a freaking clue what to do and where and how to go about this exploding issue. 
All those who are responsible for the homeless in the Government are just taking their salary every month and give me non stop excuses every time I raise the issue of Homelessness and funding or grants to our NGO. 
At times i too throw my hands up as it's really tough dealing with so many issues at one time. 
It's like I want to help others start their life afresh but the government through so many departments just don't understand the situations our NGO goes through at times and It's like ” let's quit and close down the homes “. 
Funding is a the major issue as the costs of getting so many like Abhijit back on track has risen drastically and it will rise further & after all the effort and the expenses, the man leaves the Home healthy,  gets into the muck and expects you to restart the process again. 
That upsets me more  
The Goan homeless in Goa are increasing slowly but quietly and today we have close to 70% goans in our homes. 
Last 12 days to be frank we have not taken a single homeless into our homes as that motivation has died down due to so many genuine reasons we are going through and no one in the Government is there to complain too. 
160 + homeless people is not a small responsibility but then it's a SERVICE we started and we have to fulfill this SERVICE irrespective of the problems and financial solutions we face. 
We operate through whatsapp messages  only on 8380097564 so please avoid calling . 
God bless you so much 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848